  • chevron_rightAt what age are children permitted to come to the pool without an adult?
    Children age 12 or older are permitted to come to the pool on their own. Please reference the Pool Rules in the Documents section for further information.
  • chevron_rightCan I rent the pool for a party?
    Currently Stone Gate pools are not available for private rentals.
  • chevron_rightCan I use the amenity access cards left for me by the previous owner?
    When a resident sells their property, the amenity (pool/gym/tennis/etc.) access cards are deactivated by the Stone Gate Homeowner's Associations Office. Amenity cards left by the previous owners can be reactivated by onsite staff once new homeowner is registered.
  • chevron_rightHow do I find my vehicle toll tag number to register for Gate Access?
    Residents may use their vehicle toll tags to gain access to their specific gated neighborhood. Some examples of tags which can be used include: TXTag, North Texas TollTag, Harris County EZ Tag, and TransCore eGo Plus Sticker Tag. See the following images to find your tag number when filling out a SG HOA Gate Access Form.
    Harris County EZ Tag
    Enter HCTR00000000
    Enter TEX.00000000
    North Texas TollTag
    Enter DNT.00000000
    TransCore eGo Plus Sticker Tag
    Enter 702122
  • chevron_rightHow do I get an amenity (pool/gym/tennis court) access card for the Stone Gate amenities?
    If you are a new resident to Stone Gate, you will need your closing documents, picture ID. We do not accept payments in the office. If you have lost your amenity (pool) card or just need an additional card, please bring your picture ID along with payment to the Stone Gate Association Office located at the Stone Gate Clubhouse (11655 Green Canyon Dr, Houston, TX 77095 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM). Access cards are $10.00 each and are subject to price increases.
    If you are leasing a home in Stone Gate, Canyon Lakes at Stone Gate, or Canyon Lakes Village, a Notice of Tenant Residency Form (NTRF) is required for renters to access all amenities of the community including pool cards. The form must be signed by the property owner and tenant. This form requires all occupants to agree to abide by the Governing Documents and the Stone Gate Homeowner's Association's rules and regulations. Along with the NTRF, a copy of the signed lease agreement, picture ID and payment is required. 
    Residents and Tenants are allowed to escort their guests, but may not distribute their cards to non-residents. If you have additional questions, please contact the onsite staff using the Contact Us form.
  • chevron_rightWho do I contact if my amenity access card does not work at the Stone Gate amenities?
    Stone Gate, Canyon Lakes @ SG, or Canyon Lakes Village residents who's amenity access card don't work will need to bring their non-functioning card and picture ID to the Stone Gate Association Office located in the SG Clubhouse (11655 Green Canyon Dr, Houston, TX 77095) Monday through Friday between 9am and 5pm to be verified.
Community Utilities
  • chevron_rightHow do I start a natural gas service?
    Your natural gas provider is Centerpoint Energy. Click here for additional information and to start your new service.
    To get started you will need:
    CenterPoint Energy account number (if existing customer)
    Move dates
    Payment method ready (for initial deposit if required)

    For homes with existing natural gas connections, please submit the start service form seven (7) days before your scheduled move-in date to initiate billing cycle and begin gas service. Start service requests are usually completed within three (3) business days.
  • chevron_rightHow safe is our drinking water?
    Inframark (281-579-4500) provides Annual Reports on the excellent quality of water provided to our residents. Please contact the companies directly for the latest information.
  • chevron_rightWhat Municipal Utility District (MUD) do I live in?
    Stone Gate is not within the city limits of Houston, therefore your water is provided by a Municipal Utility District (MUD). Stone Gate communities are served by Remington MUD 1; District ID: 7281250. 
    Click here to be taken to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) water districts map viewer to confirm Remington MUD 1 district provides water to your address. Enter your address in the search window, and then click on the map. The information on your MUD district will open in a separate window.
  • chevron_rightWhat waste products should not be flushed or poured in the drain?
    There are various items that should not be flushed or poured in a drain. Prescription drugs are extremely dangerous for the water supply. Sewage treatment facilities are not capable of filtering or removing residual pharmaceuticals; which are then released into our oceans, rivers and lakes. Small amounts of prescription drugs have been found in tap water.
    • Prescription Drugs
    • Floss
    • Grease, Oil and Fat
    • Band Aids
    • Disposable Diapers
    • Paper Towels
    • Pet Litter
  • chevron_rightWho do I contact if our street lights are out or damaged?
    CenterPoint Energy maintains the street lights throughout our electric service area.  Click here for information about reporting a street light outage - to complete this form you will need the pole number(s) of the non-functioning light(s).
    If you need to report a power outage please call 713-207-2222 or 800-332-7143, or view the Outage Tracker for current electric outage information.
Crime & Safety
Deed Restrictions (CC&Rs)
  • chevron_rightI recently received a deed restriction violation letter in the mail from the Home Owner's Association; what should I do?
    Please login to Town Square and open a request to let them know when you will be correcting the issue. If the issue has already been corrected, please notify them of the change.

    DO: Inform the Association and let them know you are aware of the problem. It may be a simple fix, or something you can send in as a Residence Modification Request.

    DON'T: Ignore the situation, as this will lead to more letters and possible fines or other administrative actions.
  • chevron_rightIf I'm having a problem with a neighbor for a violation of Policies, Deed Restrictions, or HOA Guidelines, what can I do?
    Residents are encouraged to attempt to resolve concerns first between themselves, prior to Association involvement.
    Should you have a situation that does not appear to be resolved through neighborly means, please contact HOA Property Management, but only for those situations which violate Policies, Deed Restrictions, or other HOA Guidelines. Once informed the association will institute appropriate enforcement action. As a matter of resident privacy the Association can not legally disclose the actions taken or status of other properties to the reporting resident. All A
    Please note that if the situation does not violate any of the Association's governing documents/policies, the Association will be unable to take any action. In these instances, we recommend you contact the police department for further assistance on matters relating to law enforcement or seek qualified legal counsel.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the most common Deed Restriction violations?
    Stone Gate is governed by a Home Owners Association (HOA).  This means that there is a set of Documents that lets residents know what they can and cannot do on their property.  Some of the most common mistakes that homeowners make are:
    • Forgetting to cut your grass on a regular basis
    • Not pulling weeds in your flower beds
    • Not putting in a Residence Modification request before you make a modifications to the exterior of your home
    • Parking in the street when not allowed
    If in doubt, call your property management, Associa PMG, at 832-653-3763 or via email at stonegaterec@associa.us or visit the Stone Gate Clubhouse during business hours. 
General Information
  • chevron_rightCan I call the Main Gate - Guard House?
    The Main Gate entry is manned by personnel 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The Main Gate can be contacted for entry or any other issues at any time by phone at 281-256-3620. Occasionally the guards may have to step away for restroom breaks or to help another resident. Please be patient in these circumstances.
  • chevron_rightDoes the Association pay for additional law enforcement patrols?
    No, Stone Gate Owner's Association contracts with a private patrol firm which patrols the neighborhood on Friday - Sunday nights. The association pays for a 24/7 Gate Attendant located at the main gate entry near the SG Clubhouse. Additionally, the association has given permissions for our local Sheriffs' to use of the SplashPad Texas office (Located at 9901 Red Rugosa Dr, Houston, TX 77095).
    Stone Gate's MUD (Remington MUD No.1) does contract with law enforcement to patrol our communities. Specific questions regarding this contract should be directed to the MUD. 
  • chevron_rightHow are homeowner assessments determined?
    Every year the Board of Directors, Finance Committee, Neighborhood Representatives and Onsite Management staff work together to create a zero-based budget based on the contractual, maintenance and replacement needs of the Association. The Board of Directors reviews and approves the final budget for the Association. The approved annual budget is communicated via the community website, Town Square (TownSq), resident e-blasts, and annual assessment statements. Assessments are typically due every year by January 1st and become delinquent January 30th without exception. If you do not receive the Annual Assessment statement by December 1st, contact the Onsite Management Team immediately for a statement copy using the Contact Us form.  
    Fees are mandatory and the method of assessments is dictated in the governing documents. The goal of the Board of Directors and the Finance Committee is to develop a budget that meets our immediate needs and future reserve expenditures. 
  • chevron_rightI'm new to Texas - what do I need in my hurricane survival kit?!
    Welcome to Texas!  Though we may not always have the best of weather, we sure do have some of the best of people!  Hurricane season is officially recognized as June 1 - October 31 (unofficially, May 1 - November 30).  We strongly recommend you gather your hurricane survival kit together at the beginning of the season, so that you are not rushing to get everything together right before the storm.  If your unsure as to what you may need, or how much, visit RedCross.org for a list of items to consider placing in your hurricane survival kit. 
  • chevron_rightIs notary service available at the Stone Gate Association office (SG Clubhouse)?
    Notary service is available for Stone Gate residents at the SG Clubhouse (11655 Green Canyon Dr, Houston, TX 77095, Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm). The service is free for a maximum of 2 documents per 30 day period for each residence. In order to ensure a notary is available, please contact the Onsite Management Team using the Contact Us form for an appointment. 
  • chevron_rightWhat are the fees associated with ordering resale documents on Community Archives?
    • New Account Setup Fee establishing new owner’s account in the association’s records: $45
    • Resale Certificate: $340
    • Resale Certificate Update: $75
    • Legacy Account Closure Fee: $220
    • Refinance Statement of Account: $75
    • Expedite Fee for Resale Certificate prior to 10 business day delivery obligation: $175 for 1 day expedite
    • Expedite Fee for Resale Certificate prior to 10 business day delivery obligation: $125 for 3 day expedite
  • chevron_rightWhat are the specific duties of the SG HOA Board of Directors?
    The Board of Directors is considered the executive branch of the Association, and as such has certain powers and duties necessary to ensure that the day-to-day responsibilities of the Association are carried out. These powers and duties are outlined in the Governing Documents and include, but are not limited to, developing the annual budget and setting assessments, promulgating and enforcing rules and regulations, administering the architectural scheme of the community and regulating exterior appearance of the homes (through the Architectural Control Committee and Management), and providing the necessary personnel and contractor services to maintain all commonly owned property and facilities.
    Details concerning the responsibilities, powers, and duties of the Board of Directors may be found in the SG HOA's Articles of Incorporation, Declaration of Protective Covenants, and By-Laws.
  • chevron_rightWhere is my Association Office?
    The Stone Gate Associations Office is located at 11655 Green Canyon Dr, Houston, TX 77095; inside the SG Clubhouse.  
Grounds and Common Areas
Residence Modification Information
  • chevron_rightAre above ground pools permitted in Stone Gate, Canyon Lakes @ SG, or Canyon Lakes Village?
    The CC&R Guidelines for the Stone Gate Owner's Association, Inc. state that portable or permanent above ground swimming pools are strictly prohibited. Please refer to the Documents section to verify based on you specific sections. 
  • chevron_rightCan I change the color of my front door to an accent color? If so, what paint colors are allowed?
    Residents are allowed to paint their front door as an accent color as long as the color is harmonious with the current color scheme of the property.  
    Modifications Request must be completed and approval received from the  Architectural Control Committee prior to commencing work.
  • chevron_rightCan I submit a modification request online?
    Residents can submit a modifications request online in Town Square.  Login to Town Square and submit an Architectural Request. Open a request, attach the completed application form and required supplemental documents, and submit.  Modification requests will not be considered unless they are complete.  Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
  • chevron_rightCan I visit the office and have someone review my modification request?
    The Onsite staff is not qualified to evaluate home improvement design plans, roofing materials, paint samples, etc.  The Management Team will review your application and ensure it is complete before submission to the Architectural Control Committee for approval. If you are having difficulty with your Modification Request, please open a request for assistance in Town Square (TownSq). All incomplete applications will be emailed back to the resident for resubmission. Due to the volume of submissions and liability, we must communicate in writing. We are not able to call residents. 
  • chevron_rightCan my contractor submit my modification request on my behalf?
    No. Contractors cannot submit an application on the homeowner's behalf. It is the homeowner's responsibility to gather the information from their contractor and submit the completed application request. The application is an agreement between the Stone Gate Owner's Association and the homeowner - not the contractor. 
  • chevron_rightThis is my home, why do I need to ask permission to improve my home?
    Stone Gate, Canyon Lakes @ Stone Gate, and Canyon Lakes Village are deeded communities, and the governing documents mandate that each resident maintain their property in accordance with these guidelines for the benefit of all residents. The Architectural Control Committee is comprised of three volunteer residents. Their purpose is to ensure the Stone Gate standards are upheld and maintain property values in the neighborhood.
    The Stone Gate Owner's Association's efforts are intended to help residents maintain their property values through consistent deed restriction enforcement. Residents must submit a Modification Request Form for all exterior work.  This includes changes to exterior paint palettes, windows, irrigation systems, landscaping changes, patios, pools, outdoor kitchens, permanent basketball hoops, play structures, etc.
  • chevron_rightWhat is the process to submit an emergency modification request?
    We realize that inclement weather, fire, water damage, etc. may result in the need to repair your home immediately to mitigate additional damage and or secure your possessions. Complete a modification request as soon as possible and notate it as an "EMERGENCY". The Board of Directors will expedite these requests as quickly as possible. 
  • chevron_rightWhen is a modification application required?
    All modifications, additions or alterations done to the exterior of the home (front yard and back yard) requires approval from the Architectural Control Committee before beginning any construction. If you are unsure, please review the helpful instructions that are attached to the modification application or login to Town Square and open a Architectural Request. 
  • chevron_rightWhen will I be notified of the Committee's decision regarding my modification request application?
    All modification request decisions are emailed to the resident the day after the Architectural Control Committee finalizes it decision. Due to the current Stone Gate Owner's Association guidelines, the Management Team is not permitted to provide verbal approvals or denials. 
Streets and Parking
Town Square (TownSq)
  • chevron_rightAre there any payment options that don't include online fees?
    Yes.  Associa offers payment options that do not include online technology convenience fees.
    Physical check/lockbox payment 
    Homeowners can mail a physical check, money order or cashiers check to the following address:
    Stone Gate Owners Association, Inc.
    C/O Principle Management Group of Houston
    PO Box 650822
    Dallas, TX 75265-0822
    Please include your account number and allow 10-14 business days for processing to prevent late fees and interest.
    ACH payment:
    Online Billpay can differ from bank to bank.  Homeowners must contact their bank to set up and authorize payments to be automatically withdrawn.
  • chevron_rightHow do I make a payment on my computer or mobile device?
    From a computer:
    Login to Town Square (TownSq).  From the top of the home page, select the account you would like to make a payment on.  Click “make a payment” to choose from a menu of options:  pay your open balance, set up a recurring payment or make a one-time custom payment.
    From a mobile device:
    Open the TownSq App.  From the top of the homepage, choose the account you would like to make a payment on.
    Click “make a payment” to choose from a menu of options:  pay your open balance, set up a recurring payment or make a one-time custom payment.
    Click here to watch a video on how to make a payment using TownSq. Should you encounter a problem or have a payment question, click here to email the TownSq support team.
  • chevron_rightHow do I pay my HOA assessment in TownSq?
    To pay your HOA assessment online, you will first need to register in Town Square (TownSq).  Click here to register TownSq or download the TownSq App from your mobile device.  Registration is easy and only requires your email address and your account number (found on your HOA invoice).  If you do not have your account number, please contact the Management Team by emailing stonegaterec@associa.us or call 832.653.3763 during business hours.
    Once you have registered in TownSq you will be able to pay your assessment online, as well as receive other resident-only information.
  • chevron_rightHow do I register for TownSq?
    Click here to register Town Square (TownSq) or download the TownSq App from your mobile device.  Registration is easy and only requires your email address and your account number (found on your HOA invoice). If you cannot locate your account number please contact the Management Team using the Contact Us form.
    Click here to watch a video on how to download the TownSq App.
  • chevron_rightHow is the data on TownSq used and stored? Is it secure?
    Our goal is to improve communication and provide 24/7 access to the information you want. Analytics data (number of users, frequency of visits, type of interaction, etc.) is only leveraged to improve the user experience. Understanding what features and content are most popular helps us continually improve the solutions we deliver.
    To maximize the security of sensitive information and assets, Town Square (TownSq) has a suite of technology solutions:
    • Security and protection of funds
    • Transparency
    • Efficiency
    • Organization
    • Best in class processes
    • Segregation of duties
    • GAAP compliance
    All information in TownSq and the C3 billing system is maintained in a physically secure data center and complies with local ordinances concerning data protection. Personal and confidential information in TownSq and C3 is never shared or sold to anyone. The CRPA Board of Directors agreed/approved the use of TownSq and C3 based on the following criteria:
    Key Details:
    • Multiple layers of security with constant surveillance and biometric access control
    • Housed in a nearly indestructible bunker
    • Reliable backup power source
    • Multiple communication providers
    • Independently regulated and certified at the highest levels
    • Firewall and intrusion protection
    • Data storage with tightly controlled access permissions and backup redundancy
    • Compliant with stringent industry standard programs (SOC 1/ISAE 3402, SOC 2, SOC 3; FISMA, DIACAP, and FedRAMP; PCI DSS Level 1; ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 27018; and multiple other security and compliance protocols)
    • independent third-party attestation for all industry certifications
    • Numerous physical safeguards to secure data centers from unauthorized access
    • Rigorous screening and background checks for all data center employees
    • Encryption of all sensitive data, such as user passwords
    • Contingency planning and incident response playbooks to continually monitor risks
    • Data sanitization of all decommissioned equipment
    • All data in motion is SSL encrypted
  • chevron_rightWhat is PCI Compliance?
    The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) applies to all companies that accept credit card payments.  If a company intends to accept card payments, store, process and transmit cardholder data, that data must be hosted securely with a PCI compliant hosting provider.
  • chevron_rightWhat is Town Square (TownSq)?
    Town Square (TownSq) is the leading, global technology solution for better community living, and offers flexibility with both computer and mobile based applications. TownSq is designed to help you connect with your neighbors, collaborate with your management team and stay up to date on community happenings – anytime, anywhere, and on any device.
    TownSq can provide answers to your account management questions 24/7 in coordination with our public website. Residents can submit work orders, register for community events, vote on important topics and/or just check in with their neighbors.
    Residents Can:
    • Easily communicate with neighbors, community managers, and board members
    • Manage their account and pay online
    • Get up to date community news and events
    • Request and review the status of service inquiries
    • Participate in community polls
    • Communicate with their designated Neighborhood Representative
    • RSVP for events
    • Locate and review our amazing facilities and amenities. Access governing documents and financial reports
    • View open violations on your account
    • Provide suggestions to the various committees and get involved.
  • chevron_rightWill I incur a fee for making a payment in TownSq?
    When making credit card payments online, there is a $2.95 convenience fee plus 3.5% of the total payment amount. This fee is based on your assessment and varies by Association. When making a payment via E-Check, there is a $2.95 convenience fee.
    Associa is the managing agent that facilitates payments between the homeowner and the Association. Associa provides a technology solution for this payment process and the fee charged is an online technology convenience fee charged by a PCI (Payment Card Industry) Compliant credit card company.