Vehicle Entry Gates & Callboxes

Vehicle Entry Gates are controlled by a LiftMaster database system. Each gated entry has a touchscreen callbox where entry codes can be entered to open the gate, a resident directory listing to communicate with homeowners, or an option to call the gate attendant. Gates are closed 24/7. School buses enter through the gated sections via their EZ Tags.
Guard House is staffed with Gate Attendant.
  • Gate Attendant is located at the main section, Canyon Gate.
  • There is no call box at this location. Residents and visitors without registered vehicle tags (EZ TAG, TxTags, DFW, DNT, etc.) or a Stone Gate (SG) windshield sticker will need to request entry from the Gate Attendant. See SG Guard House page for further descriptions.
  • If you have registered a vehicle EZ tag, you may enter through the EZ tag lane (far right lane), and the gates will automatically open once your tag is read, and a green light will appear under the Transcore Reader.
  • To add or update your vehicle tags, contact
    • Please send your vehicle info, EZ tag number, and proof of residency for the tag. It can be in the form of an insurance card or EZ tag statement showing your house address.
    • Only cars registered to homeowners or renters will be entered into the database.
  • Residents are permitted to only have EZ tag access to gated sections in their homes is located in.
    • To access other gated sections, please use your family's or friend's directory code or call the gate attendant.
  • Residents can opt to have their name in the directory hidden.
  • In the case of rental homes, both renters and property owners have access to the property they rent/own. The directory accounts are not linked, and both have separate contact information (phone number & email). Renters and owners will also be assigned different directories and entry codes. This allows the Association to terminate renter access when the tenant moves, but the property owner's information remains intact. 
  • Renters may also request amenity access through the on-site office. Please be prepared to show a current copy of the rental agreement and picture ID.
Visitor Entry using Directory
  • Visitors will press the Phone Call button to gain access and enter your directory code to call you.
  • To grant access, answer the call and press nine on your phone keypad.
  • Visitors who do not know your directory code may press the Phone Call button and click find a name to search through the directory list. Your directory code should be shared with service providers such as lawn, housekeeping, and deliveries.
  • If your visitor needs assistance at the callbox, contact the Gate Attendant.
    • To reach the Gate Attendant, press the phone call button and then the Call the Gate Attendant button. The visitor must provide the resident's name or address to gain access.
  • Click Here for a quick video demonstration.
Personal Entry Codes
  • Each household has a unique 5-digit gate entry code assigned by HOA, which will open their gates. 
  • Residents are encouraged to share their ENTRY code with members of their household and their DIRECTORY code with their guests.
  • For residents within your household who will use the callbox to gain entry, please drive in the left lane (closest to the callbox), press the Entry Code (PIN) button, and then type your entry code and enter. 
    • You will hear a chime, and the gates will open.
    • This number should not be shared with anyone who does not live in your household.
  • Residents can use their entry codes when they do not have access cards or vehicle tags to open the gates. 
  • When a new resident or tenant moves in, new codes for the address are assigned.
Visitor Entry using Directory Codes
  • Residents are encouraged to use the directory process to allow visitors to enter.
  • Residents can share their directory codes with visitors.
  • For security purposes, do not share personal entry codes.
Access Cards, Key Fobs, and HOA Vehicle Tags
  • Residents may purchase these items from the onsite management team
  • Access Cards: $10
  • Key Fobs: $15
  • HOA Vehicle Tags: $25
Please fill out the SG HOA Gate Access Registration Form. Residents may email completed forms to to get their name and contact number added to the directory of the vehicle entry gate.